I have an ongoing list of book recommendations you can find here. My top three in each category:
For Intuition
The Intuitive Dance, Atherton Drenth
The Intuitive Path, Sara Wiseman
The Third Eye Diet, Alyssa Malehorn
For Past-Life Regression
Many Lives, Many Masters, Dr. Brian Weiss
Between Death & Life, Dolores Cannon
The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, Dolores Cannon
For Channeling
Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts
Messages from Beyond The Veil, Gray/Dye
Messages from the Divine, Sara Wiseman
For Yoga
Bhagavad Gita
The Upanishads
The Yoga Sutras
For Healing
Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton
Grow a New Body, Dr. Alberto Villoldo
Oracle Decks
The Akashic Tarot
Mystical Shaman Oracle
Native Spirit